Unique Ways To Bring More Plants Into Your Home Design

Plants are a simple way to liven up any room, but incorporating them and caring for them can be tricky for some. You might not have the space for a lot of plant pots, or you might worry about your ability to keep plants alive. There are some simple but unique ways you can enjoy the benefits of plants without worrying as much about space or a huge time commitment. 

Here are some cool ways you can bring more plants into your home.

Hanging Terrariums

Instead of having a single potted plant, you might get hanging glass spheres that hols small succulents or other hardy plant types. These keep you from needing to deal with the mess of pots, they provide a beautiful decoration focus, and you won't have to worry as much about the plant dying if you choose the right variety. If you do have a green thumb, hanging terrariums can also be great for seasonal flowers; once they die, you can replace them with new ones from a local flower supplier. 

If keeping a plant alive is too hard regardless of how hardy the plant is, hanging glass spheres also work for holding cut flowers and foliage. You can switch flower and leaf types depending on the season. 

Herb Boxes

If you like your plants to be useful as well as beautiful, you might consider getting a simple herb box. You can use old glass jars or tin cans as planters and buy herb seeds to grow your own basil, cilantro, parsley, and dill. Hang the jars in the window or set them on a shelf in a sunny place. To make them more unique, you can decorate the jars and cans with dried flowers, paints, or chalky finish. 

Double Duty

You can use potted mums and other flowers inside, but if you're worried about space, choose smaller pots that can rest on everyday objects. For example, you might use a vintage step ladder to display your plants, but when you need the ladder, it's simple to move the plants off and replace them when you're done. If you're creative, you could display plants on things like ironing boards, sewing tables, or you could hang them on the walls in things like shadow boxes. Don't forget about bookshelves as a nook for plants as well.

When it comes to indoor plants, you don't need a green thumb; you just need a bit of imagination for how you can bring nature inside. 
